What “relationship status” social media icon would you use to define your relationship with money? Married? Single? Or maybe …
“It’s complicated.”
Ah, yes. As an entrepreneur, your relationship with money can certainly be complicated.
If you want to start attracting more abundance into your life and business, having the right mindset is the first step. That’s because there is a direct correlation between results you get from your own money-attraction exercises and strategies and how good (or bad) your money mindset is.
And where does an effective money mindset start? With your relationship with money.
On one hand, the human-money relationship is simple: money is what we use to obtain the things we want.
But—and here’s where things get tricky—we also need money to buy certain things that are imperative to our survival, like food and shelter.
As my friend Kendra E Thornbury says, money is fundamental to our survival, so there is a survival energy around it. Which means that if you experience a serious setback, you may go into fight-or-flight mode …
And, if that happens, you’re operating at a very low vibration (which may mean you’re not in the mindset to attract anything good!).
Here’s the thing:
So, how do you ensure your long-standing relationship with money is as healthy as possible so you can attract it effectively?
Here are three tips:
Tip One. Examine Your Relationship with Money.
Take some time to think about how you feel about money, and what it represents to you. How do you feel when you think about money? How do you feel when you get ready to look at your bank account? Do you tense up? Do feel excited? Are you scared of what you’re going to find? Are you constantly afraid you’re going to run out of money? Do you feel confident asking people for money when the time comes?
Then, think about where these feelings come from? Are you stressed about money because you believe there’s never going to be enough? Are you afraid to charge your clients a certain amount because you don’t believe you’re worth it? Do you believe people who have lots of money are somehow bad or evil?
Your beliefs about money—especially if they’re derived from fear-based emotions—likely manifest as blocks. They keep you stuck in a low vibration so that you’re not attracting more money; or, even if you are attracting money, it, too has a low vibration and brings with it even more fear-based emotions.
Tip Two. Shift Your Perspective on Money.
Once you’ve uncovered your beliefs about money, you can begin to shift them so that you’re operating from a higher vibration (and therefore, able to attract more money!).
Here are just a few ways I encourage you to think about money. There are several more in my Love-Based Money and Mindset book, but this will give you a great start:
Money is a “thank you” from your clients.
People hire you to help them do something they can’t or don’t want to do themselves. So when you complete the task for which they’ve hired you, they’re probably grateful. They’re more than happy to pay you to express that gratitude. And think of what you’ve done for them: you’ve taken a task off their plate, saved them time, and helped them move forward in some way.
There is enough.
Ultimately, no matter how much or how little money you’ve had at different times throughout your life, you’ve always survived. There is always enough.
Of course, I’m not saying you shouldn’t build a savings account and practice good financial management. But I am saying that it’s okay to let that stress go. There is no need to hoard money or to worry about it running out.
Money is a conduit for doing good.
If you shy away from having a big bank account, remember that because money is a universal representation of value, you can use it to do good. You don’t necessarily have to keep all the money you earn. What if you could use money to fund a cause about which you’re passionate—the local humane society, an international relief organization, or a child welfare program? Wouldn’t that give earning money a positive spin?
When you’re attracting money at that high vibration—happily bringing it in because you know you can do good with it—it will flow!
Tip Three. Fall in Love with Money.
My friend Morgana Rae shares an exercise for shifting your perspective on money so that you can fall in love with it.
If you’re experiencing money challenges, you have what Morgana calls a “Money Monster.” If your money were a person, what would it look like? At this point, it may look big and ugly and scary! Of course you don’t want to be around that person, right?
What if you could give your Money Monster a makeover … into your “Money Honey,” someone who wants to be there for you? And, to take this a step farther, what if you could actually fall in love with your Money Honey?
Morgana recommends making your Money Honey a person: the opposite of your Money Monster. Someone you could fall in love with. (Sounds yummy, doesn’t it?)
The good news is that your relationship with money is always evolving. Money attraction is a practice, and you can always shift what you’re doing so it works effectively for you.
And the great news is that you hold the power to transform your relationship with money and maintain a loving, healthy friendship with it, no matter how deeply rooted your beliefs are.
This is a great place to begin, and if this topic resonated with you, then I hope you’ll take it even deeper by picking up your own copy of Love-Based Money and Mindset, here.
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