In my last blog post, What Does “Love-Based Money” Actually Mean? (And Will This New Way of Thinking Really Help You Attract More Money?), I explained the difference between love-based money and fear-based money and how you can use the love-based/fear-based concept to attract money.
Today, I want to dig into this a little deeper.
How do you actually know if you’re attracting money in a fear-based way? And if you are, how can you turn that around so you’re attracting money in a love-based way?
Here are six signs you’re attracting money in a fear-based way:
- You’re landing the wrong clients. The clients you’re closing are not a good fit for you. You likely don’t enjoy working with them and even dread getting on the phone with them. They’re never happy, which means you’re not happy, either. You spend 80% of your time on these clients, but make only 20% of your money from them (in other words, they’re high maintenance). These are the clients who ask for refunds (even after you’ve spent hours trying to make them happy), or give you bad reviews when they’re talking to their friends and colleagues.
- Your business has “issues.” Whether it’s issues with your team, your system, your technology or your vendors, you’re constantly fighting fires rather than doing what you love most.
- Your mental and physical health suffer. You are anxious and exhausted. You lack energy and focus. Your stress carries over into other aspects of your life, preventing you from truly enjoying anything.
- You’re working too hard and making less than you want. You’re always on the hamster wheel, trying to land the next client and sell the next project so you can get ahead … only, you never do, because you’re always behind.
- You feel like you’re always forcing things to happen. A big percentage of your tasks feel like emergencies. You keep thinking that if you can just work harder, try harder, push harder, then one day you’ll have “made it” and can relax. (Which of course never happens.)
- The more money you make, the worse you feel. I know, it sounds almost impossible, right? But when you bring in money with fear, your problems mount and your fear-based emotions grow. Now, along with worrying about not having enough, you also start worrying about losing what you have.
If you’re reading this and realizing that you are, in fact, bringing in money with fear, then you’re probably wondering what you can do to start bringing in money with love.
I’ve got you covered.
When you build your business—and attract money—in a love-based way, you’ll find that things just seem to flow … and you can enjoy the world of entrepreneurship without anxiety, stress, overwhelm, or anger.
Here are four steps you can take, starting now, to begin attracting money in a way that feels effortless:
1. Shift your perspective around fear-based emotions. I use a two-step process for breaking the hold your fear-based emotions have on you.
Step 1: Consider your fear-based emotions a guide. If you’re feeling worry or anxiety or fear or anger or resentment, check in with yourself. Do you need to course-correct? Or are you afraid because you’re stepping out of your comfort zone. This is an important first step to stopping fear-based emotions from controlling you.
Step 2: Start moving the energy of your fear-based emotions, by really feeling and integrating them. Feel your emotions, breathe into them, and confront them head-on with rational thoughts.
2. Shift your mindset into love and abundance. Create a daily practice designed to help you start each day in a love-based emotion. I recommend meditating, gratitude practices, affirmations, journaling, exercise, prayer, visualization exercises, or a combination of the above. A daily practice changed my life, and I’m confident that it can change yours.
3. Change your beliefs. You may have limiting beliefs—like, “I don’t deserve to make a lot of money,” or, “I’m not smart enough to run a business,” or, “No one will buy what I’m selling.” These limiting beliefs may be really obvious and make a big impact on your life, or they may be hidden, but the bottom line is that they stop you from reaching your goals. If you can identify the stories that stem from these beliefs, you can begin to move past them. For example, you may believe that if you leave a job you hate, your family will be disappointed and you’ll let everyone down. So, you stay in the job you hate, but you’re so stressed that your relationships with your family members deteriorate anyway. But when you recognize that story for what it is – a story built on the fear that you’ll let your family down – you can take action despite it.
4. Listen to your intuition. The more you listen to your intuition, the less you’ll be controlled by your inner critics, and the easier it will be to move yourself toward the life of your dreams.
And finally, for my BIG BONUS TIP:
Keep in mind that how your desire manifests itself may not always look how you think it ought to look, or how you expected it to. Remain committed to your desire but not attached to how it actually unfolds.
Here’s a great example: one of my colleagues launched a product last year and it went terribly! The launch was a disaster. (You can listen to the full story here.) But rather than force things—by immediately running out and planning an emergency launch and a million emails to try to salvage it—she relaxed. And guess what? The money came in different ways. So she still manifested her desire—to reach the people she wanted to reach and make a certain amount of money—but it didn’t look exactly the same as she’d expected it to.
If you like (and resonate with) this approach, you might want to check out my book “Love-Based Money and Mindset,” in which I share specific action steps on how you can shift your relationship with money, so you start to easily and effortlessly attract it. Learn more here.
What you say Michelle, is amazing, good for all businesses and good for my best audience too—top business people who want to write the book their audience will love!
You’re one mentor that I follow consistently! I forwarded your tweets to my group too! Like your advice that fear slows you down. and it’s a sign you’re out of your comfort zone. Ditto for emerging authors! I love your work and I’m modeling a few short books on writing to please a specific audience so they will love you because they feel so special and know you care about them. It’s all in the short client-driven chapter outline and book structure with only 1 edit!
Aww thank you Judy — love what you’re doing too.